Cotton paper recycled


 Our packaging is recycled and recyclable.
We use cotton clothing scraps to make paper and recycled cardboard.



  Commitment N°2-"CARBON FOOTPRINT"

GoGreen is a DHL, worldwide environmental protection program which demonstrates our strong sense of environmental responsibility and commitment to supporting you, our customers, to grow sustainably. Its main objective is to reduce and avoid the emission of greenhouse gasses and local air pollutants.








  Commitment N°3- "OUR FUTURE PROJECT"

Because we live in India and see the inequalities, we want to support the Shanti Bhavan School. A school that breaks the cycle of poverty by providing education to the lowest castes.

"One underserved child, given the same opportunities as other children, can break the cycle of systemic, generational poverty for themselves and many others. For over 20 years, our nonprofit has helped children in India achieve an education, from preschool to high school and beyond. With our dedicated international team and the support of our family of partners, sponsors, and individual donors, hundreds of Shanti Bhavan children have earned advanced degrees, built careers, and uplifted their families from poverty. More than that, these children give hope to their communities and bring change to the world."

Watch the trailer for Daughters of Destiny on Netflix.